5 Tips to Care for Your Clear Aligners

5 Tips to Care for Your Clear Aligners

Few things can really improve a smile like having straight teeth that line up beautifully. Unfortunately, few of us are born with perfectly aligned teeth, which explains why 4 million Americans are using braces at any given time.

Included in these numbers are people who opt for clear aligner systems that straighten teeth more discreetly than braces. And we’re proud to offer those systems here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists. Between our Invisalign® products and ClearCorrect®, our team offers clients some great options for straightening teeth without a mouth full of metal.

While these systems work well, a little effort on your part can make the process go more smoothly and quickly. By effort, we’re referring to caring for your aligners using the following guidelines.

1. Keep aligners clean

You opted for clear aligners because they’re, well, clear, and you can barely notice them. If you want to enjoy this benefit, it’s important to keep your aligners clean and free from debris or tartar buildup. So, twice a day, when you remove the aligners to brush your teeth, don’t forget to brush and rinse your aligners, too.

Please don’t use toothpaste to clean your aligners — use a soft-bristled brush and warm water.  Be gentle and only lightly brush the aligners (no scrubbing!) If there’s any cloudiness, use the special manufacturer cleaning solution or a denture cleaning product.

2. Avoid heat

The clear aligners are made out of special plastic materials, which can be warped when exposed to heat. So, watch the hot liquids and make sure you're not inadvertently storing your aligners near a heat source.

3. Keep aligners in their case when not in use

We want you to keep your aligners in for about 22 hours a day to keep your teeth straightening on track. When you do remove them to eat or for a special event, please put them in their case and not balanced on the edge of the bathroom sink or on your bedside table. 

Leaving aligners out in the open leaves them vulnerable to all sorts of potential problems, such as the dog mistaking them for a chew toy.

4. Clean the aligner case, too

Speaking of the case, we suggest that you thoroughly clean this storage unit at least once a week so you’re not placing your aligners into a bacteria-filled environment. In between cleanings, it's a good idea to rinse the storage case before and after each use.

5. Let us know if there are any issues

If you encounter any issues with your clear aligners — they become damaged or they’re uncomfortable — please let us know right away so we can figure out the next steps. These systems are progressive, and we want to make sure that we don’t interrupt that process because of a problem with your aligners.

With a little TLC on your end, you can get the most out of your straightening process, and you’ll be grinning with straight teeth in no time.

If you have more questions about taking care of your clear aligners, please contact our office in San Jose, California, by calling 408-478-9081. Or, if you prefer, you can book an appointment with us online.

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