Blog Archive

6 Tips for Recovering Well After Osseous or Pocket Reduction Surgery Oct 13th, 2024

Did you know that severe periodontitis, which is advanced gum disease, affects about 11% of adults around the globe and it’s a leading cause of tooth loss? Or that 60% of adults aged 65 and older in the United States have some evidence of gum disease? If you’re reading this...

5 Steps to Take If a Tooth Gets Knocked Out Sep 1st, 2024

Once your 32 permanent teeth come in, you want to make sure they go the distance. All too often, however, life can have different plans, and a simple tumble onto pavement can knock a tooth out. If you think this doesn’t happen frequently, consider that 5 million people in the...

Why Would I Need a Bone Graft Before Getting a Dental Implant? Aug 9th, 2024

There’s no question that dental implants are a game changer for replacing missing teeth. Only 6% of Americans have a dental implant now, but experts predict that in just two years, nearly one-quarter of Americans (23%) will have an implant. We certainly see this same trend here at Willow Glen...

3 Signs Your Gums May Be in Trouble Jul 25th, 2024

Your teeth may steal much of the spotlight, but it’s really your gums that are doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to your oral health. These soft tissues protect and seal your teeth, as well as secure them in place, so it’s incredibly important to keep...

6 Ways We Deliver Straighter Teeth Jun 20th, 2024

It’s no secret that straight teeth can do wonders for your smile, but good alignment can also protect against other issues, such as tooth decay and soft tissue injuries. Unfortunately, evolution hasn’t been kind on this front — more than half of Americans (53%) have some degree of misalignment, or...

When It's No Longer Wise to Hold Onto Wisdom Teeth Apr 17th, 2024

By the time you become a young adult, the hope is that your teeth have reached their final positions. Whether it took braces to get there or not, your teeth work well together and they have been doing their jobs without incident — until your wisdom teeth started to come...

Combating Gum Disease With Pocket Reduction Surgery Apr 1st, 2024

At any given time, there are billions of bacteria in your mouth — good and bad — and the presence of these tiny organisms is perfectly normal. When the balance starts to tilt in favor of bad bacteria, tooth-threatening issues like tooth decay and gum disease are clear and present...

5 Tips to Care for Your Clear Aligners Mar 1st, 2024

Few things can really improve a smile like having straight teeth that line up beautifully. Unfortunately, few of us are born with perfectly aligned teeth, which explains why 4 million Americans are using braces at any given time. Included in these numbers are people who opt for clear aligner systems...

3 Reasons Why You Need a Root Canal Treatment Feb 1st, 2024

Each year in the United States, more than 15 million root canal procedures are performed, which boils down to about 41,000 each day. What all of these patients have in common is that they all benefited greatly from this quick-and-easy treatment. As dental experts, the providers here at Willow Glen...

3 (Very) Important Reasons Why Your Gum Health Matters Jan 4th, 2024

Your teeth are front and center, and you spend a lot of time making sure they’re bright and healthy, but it’s equally important to spend as much time on your gums. In fact, the consequences of poor gum health can have a surprisingly large, life-altering impact. To explain this bold...

Give Yourself the Gift of Straighter Teeth This Year Dec 1st, 2023

You look in the mirror and wish you could turn back the clock and outfit your 13-year-old self with some braces that would give you a better smile today. Well, it’s not too late to achieve that goal. If you missed the braces boat as a child, it’s not too...

Helping Your Teen Adjust to Braces Nov 1st, 2023

Like many parents before you, you’re taking the plunge and outfitting your teen with braces to give them a great dental (and smile!) advantage down the road. At any given time in the United States, there are about 4 million people who are wearing braces, which means there's a good...

4 Tips to Help Your Tooth Extraction Recovery Go Smoothly Oct 1st, 2023

Each year in the United States, millions of people have a tooth (or several) pulled for any number of reasons. Wisdom teeth that are crowding your mouth lead the charge, but tooth decay, which affects nearly 90% of adults, and gum disease, which affects nearly half of adults, follow close...

What Happens When Plaque Gets Trapped Beneath Your Gumline? Sep 1st, 2023

Let’s get straight to the question we pose in the title of this month’s blog post: What happens when plaque makes its way under your gums? Nothing good is the short answer.  It’s also a problem that the team here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists can easily address, and the sooner the better. While...

Is It Normal for My Teeth to Bleed When I Floss? Aug 1st, 2023

If you’re reading this, we first want to congratulate you for flossing — it’s a great way to care for your teeth and gums. So, why can this preventive practice lead to bleeding gums, which seems like the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish with your conscientious dental care? ...

4 Tips for Recovering From Your Oral Surgery Jul 1st, 2023

Each year in the United States, almost five million dental implants are placed and 10 million teeth are extracted. These are the most common types of oral surgery, but there are others, such as gum grafting, bone grafts, or sinus lifts. Whatever the type of oral surgery, it’s just that...

How Dental Implants Excel in Both Form and Function Jun 1st, 2023

In an ideal world, you get through life with all of your teeth intact, but life often has far different plans, which is why 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth.  If you find yourself in a position where you’re exploring tooth-replacement options, the dental experts here at Willow Glen...

What Happens When Gum Disease Goes Untreated? May 1st, 2023

We’re going to start with a statistic that acts as a bit of a spoiler — the leading cause of missing teeth in the United States is periodontitis, which is gum disease. While tooth loss occurs toward the final stages of gum disease, there’s a lot of damage this condition can wreak...

Adult Tooth Loss Is Common: Here's How to Reduce Your Risk Apr 1st, 2023

To say that tooth loss among adults is common in the United States is quite an understatement — 178 million people are missing at least one tooth and 40 million are missing all of their teeth. And the problem tends to increase with age, as about 30% of people between...

5 Health Benefits of Straighter Teeth and a Well-Aligned Bite Mar 2nd, 2023

At any given time, about four million people in the United States are wearing braces, a quarter of whom are adults. Many people assume that the only reason these people are straightening their teeth is to improve their smiles.  Yes, teeth that line up beautifully in neat rows can make a smile...

How a Bone Graft Prepares Your Jaw for a Dental Implant Feb 6th, 2023

You need to replace a tooth or you want your dentures firmly secured, so you’re looking at dental implants. Each year in the United States, five million implants are placed, offering recipients a new standard in prosthetic stability, allowing them to chew, speak, and smile with more confidence. There are...

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Missing Teeth Jan 2nd, 2023

You’ve joined the ranks of the 178 million people in the United States who are missing at least one tooth. Instead of taking steps to replace the missing tooth, you’re contemplating just leaving well enough alone and making do without. Ignoring missing teeth places you at risk for joining a far more...

When Tooth Extraction Is Necessary Dec 1st, 2022

Your teeth are designed to go the distance, but problems can arise along the way that call for extraction. From wisdom teeth that it’s no longer wise to keep to infections that cause irreparable damage to your teeth, sometimes tooth extraction is the best way to preserve your dental health....

Your Four Options for Braces Nov 1st, 2022

At best, misalignment issues in your mouth, such an overbite or crooked teeth, pose cosmetic concerns. At worst, misalignments in your teeth can affect how you speak and chew and may even lead to problems with your temporomandibular joints. Whatever is driving you to consider braces for straightening your child’s...

The Dangers of a Receding Gum Line Oct 1st, 2022

If you haven’t realized this by now, your teeth and gums are very important to your overall health and wellness. Sure, great teeth and gums allow you to smile confidently, but they also allow you to talk and eat. While there are many problems that can emperil your dental health,...

I'm Nervous About My Upcoming Root Canal Procedure Sep 1st, 2022

Each year in the United States, 15 million root canal procedures are performed, allowing millions of people to find pain relief and preserve their teeth. If you need a root canal procedure and you’re nervous, the team of dental experts here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists wants to put your...

Do Wisdom Teeth Always Need to Be Removed? Aug 4th, 2022

About 100 million years ago, early man probably relied on a third set of molars for survival, and their jaws easily accommodated these teeth. Today, the human jaw has shrunk in size and wisdom teeth are having trouble finding space when they erupt, causing a number of different problems. If you’re...

Getting Started With Invisalign®: What to Expect Jul 7th, 2022

You love the idea of clear, removable aligners for straightening your teeth, and you’re anxious to join the 12 million people who’ve already made the journey to a great smile with Invisalign®. To give you an idea about what to expect, our skilled team of dental practitioners at Willow Glen Dental Specialists has pulled...

Dental Implants: Why They Are the Gold Standard for Replacing Missing Teeth Jun 9th, 2022

Losing a tooth shouldn’t be a source of shame — life happens. But replacing your tooth should top your priority list because that gap can lead to some serious oral health issues.  Our experienced team of dental and endodontic specialists at Willow Glen Dental Specialists of San Jose, California, have...

Can I Smoke Marijuana before Oral Sedation or IV Sedation? Sep 30th, 2021

 Can I Smoke Marijuana before Oral Sedation or IV Sedation? If you regularly use marijuana - whether it be recreationally or medicinally - you may be wondering if it is safe for you to smoke before oral sedation or IV sedation. Continue reading to learn more. How Does Marijuana Affect...

Can Laser Therapy Improve Healing After Oral Surgery? Sep 16th, 2021

Laser therapy is a relatively new treatment method that has proved to be exceptionally beneficial in various different dental treatments. Continue reading to learn more about how laser therapy affects healing after oral surgery. What is Laser Therapy? Laser therapy has been in use in the dental industry since 1994....

Is it Easy to Replace Bone during Extractions and Osseous Surgery? Jul 22nd, 2021

What is Dental Bone Grafting? Bone grafting is a procedure in which osseous (bone) material is surgically fused to the patient’s existing bone.  Grafting is done in order to restore bone density to the jaw where it is needed, whether it be to preserve the health of the teeth and...

Everything You Need To Know About Orthodontics Jul 7th, 2021

What is an Orthodontist, and How are They Different from Dentists?  A dentist’s main focus is maintaining the health of the teeth and gums through restorative and preventative dentistry. Most people visit their dentist for their periodic cleaning and check up twice per year. It may be necessary to see...

Can I Have Extractions Done While on Bisphosphonate Drugs? Jun 22nd, 2021

Continue reading to learn more. What are Bisphosphonate Drugs? Bisphosphonate medications are used to prevent the loss of bone density and reduce bone resorption. They are usually prescribed to individuals with osteoporosis and other bone diseases.  Examples of bisphosphonate medications include: Risedronate (Actonel) Alendronate (Fosamax) Ibandronate (Boniva) Zoledronic Acid (Reclast)...

Where Does Bone Grafting Material Come From? Jun 7th, 2021

If you have been told that you may need bone grafting, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about the procedure in order to make an informed decision. Continue reading to learn more about where bone grafting material originates from. What is Bone Grafting? A dental bone graft...

What Is A Deep Cleaning? May 19th, 2021

Continue reading for more information about what deep cleanings are, why you need one, and what this treatment means for you. What Is Gum Disease? Gum disease known as periodontal disease occurs when the bacteria count in the mouth is not regulated by proper home care. Over time, bacteria begin...

Does My Child Need Phase 1 Orthodontics? May 3rd, 2021

What Is Phase 1 Orthodontics? It is generally recommended that children have their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of 6 or 7. It is by this age that all of the baby teeth have typically erupted, and the development of the adult teeth in the jaw can now be...

The Different Parts of an Implant Apr 19th, 2021

Implant Fixture The implant fixture is the actual implant itself; it is a small titanium screw that is designed to be quickly and efficiently placed directly into the bone. The fixture takes the place of the natural tooth roots, providing the structure for the overall prosthetic. After the fixture is...

Does Every Extraction Need a Bone Graft? Apr 5th, 2021

Continue reading to learn if every tooth extraction needs a bone graft. What Is a Bone Graft? A bone graft is a surgical procedure in which synthetic or natural bone is added to an area of the mouth in order to build up the overall bone density. In most cases,...

How Periodontal Disease Affects The Heart Mar 31st, 2021

Continue reading to learn more about how periodontal disease affects the heart. What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal Disease also known as gum disease is an infection caused by an accumulation of harmful bacteria within the mouth around the tooth and under the gums.When an individual has periodontal disease (gum disease),...

Should I Get Root Planing and Scaling (“deep cleaning”) from the General Dentist or Periodontist? Mar 8th, 2021

What is a Scaling and Root Planing (“deep cleaning”)? To understand which dental professional you should see for your treatment, it’s important to first understand what a deep cleaning is, and why you need it. Scaling and root planings are done in order to manage a condition known as periodontal...

What Kind Of Bone Is Used In A Bone Graft? Feb 17th, 2021

What Causes A Need For A Bone Graft? Bone grafts are done in order to stabilize the jaw. There are a multitude of reasons why your doctor may recommend a bone graft; here are just a few:  To help ensure a strong placement for a dental implant. If there is...

How Do Extra Cleanings Help With My Diabetes? Feb 3rd, 2021

You may be surprised to learn that dental cleanings can help you manage your diabetes; continue reading to learn more. Diabetes and Gum Health While the two may at first seem unrelated, there is a direct relation between the health of your gums and various health conditions; diabetes being at...

Aligner System or Braces…..Which Is Best? Jan 28th, 2021

Clear Aligners These are clear trays that fit around your teeth to move them. Many patients like them because they are “invisible”. Also,they can be removed so one is able to brush and floss easier. These are designed digitally. Impressions or scans of the teeth are taken, pictures of your...

How Do Extra Cleanings Help My Heart? Jan 13th, 2021

How Are Gum Disease and Heart Health Related? As it turns out, the health of your gums and the health of your heart are directly related to one another. Periodontal Disease also known as gum disease is an infection caused by an accumulation of harmful bacteria within the mouth around...

How Does Periodontal Disease Affect the Heart? Dec 30th, 2020

What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease, is a chronic inflammatory infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth (known clinically as the periodontium). The foods and beverages we eat and drink contain sugars and starches that, when allowed to remain on the surface of the...

How Does Diabetes Affect the Periodontium? Dec 15th, 2020

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a health condition that causes the body to lose the ability to properly produce or use insulin. Insulin is the body’s naturally-produced hormone that is designated for regulating the levels of glucose in the blood, allowing the cells to use it for fuel. Without insulin,...

Can Clear Aligners Be Used on Children and Teens? Nov 21st, 2020

Continue reading to find out. Aligners for Children Can clear aligner systems be used on children and teens? Yes, absolutely. Of course, in order to be used on children, the child will have to be at a certain stage of development in order to begin treatment. This usually occurs between...

Are Online Aligner Systems Good? What Can Go Wrong? Nov 7th, 2020

While this may seem like a fantastic solution, it is important to consider all aspects of this method of treatment. Continue reading for the benefits and drawbacks of online aligner systems. How Do Online Aligner Systems Work? Online, or “at-home” alignment systems usually work as follows: An impression kit will...

Should I Remove the Mandibular Tori From My Mouth? Oct 29th, 2020

Continue reading for more information about mandibular tori and some scenarios in which it may be best to remove it from the mouth. What is Tori? Tori is a clinical term that quite simply means a bony growth. Tori is the plural form of the singular torus. Mandibular is a...

What Are The Different Parts of an Implant? Oct 12th, 2020

The Implant Fixture The fixture is the term to describe the implant itself. The fixture is a small titanium device that closely resembles a screw. This device is placed directly into the bone beneath the gumline. The dentist will first move the gums away and then drill a precise hole...

How Do Blood Thinners Affect Extractions and Implants? Sep 30th, 2020

Here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists, we strive to ensure that our patients always take a knowledgeable approach to their treatment. Continue reading for more information about how blood thinners affect dental extractions and implants. What are Blood Thinners? Blood thinners, also known as anticoagulants, ensure that harmful blood clots...

How Does Smoking Affect Extractions and Implants? Sep 14th, 2020

Continue reading to learn how smoking affects extractions and implants. Extractions When a tooth is removed from the mouth, it leaves behind the empty socket in the gum and bone where the tooth once was. In most cases, this socket is not stitched up, as it will close and heal...

What is a Frenectomy? Aug 26th, 2020

Here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists, we want to ensure that you are informed about your frenectomy treatment from beginning to end. Continue reading to learn more about this dental procedure.   About Frenectomy Treatment The frenum is a type of connective tissue inside the mouth. There are three primary...

Do I Need IV Sedation for My Third Molars? Aug 11th, 2020

The truth is that sedation dentistry is extremely safe and effective when administered properly by a professional. The professional team here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists is here to ensure that your dental sedation goes smooth from start to finish. If you have found yourself wondering if sedation dentistry in...

What is a Sinus Lift? Why do I Need It? Jul 30th, 2020

Continue reading for more information about sinus lifts that will help you understand why you have been recommended to have this treatment completed.  What is a Sinus Lift? A sinus lift is a dental surgery that essentially adds a layer of bone to the upper jaw between the premolars and...

Is an Implant Better Than a Root Canal? Jul 16th, 2020

These two treatment options have their own advantages and disadvantages to consider. Here at Willow Glen Dental Specialists, we like to ensure that our patients are knowledgeable about their dental treatment options. Continue reading to learn if an implant is better than a root canal. What is a Root Canal?...

Why Do Some Root Canals Take Two Visits? Jun 28th, 2020

The truth is that this is actually quite normal; in fact, most dentists prefer to carry out root canals over the course of two separate appointments. Continue reading to discover why. What is a Root Canal? A root canal is needed when damage in the tooth has penetrated the outer...

Why Do Implants Fail? Jun 15th, 2020

However, in some cases, the treatment is unsuccessful, and the implant fails. Here’s some insight on why that happens. What is an Implant? An implant is a dental prosthetic device made of titanium. A dentist or oral surgeon will place the implant directly into the bone, allowing it to take...

Why Should I See an Orthodontist Instead of Doing the Online Clear Aligner Systems? May 27th, 2020

While of course this is appealing to most people, there are a certain amount of drawbacks to using an online clear aligner systems that may make you want to rethink leaving traditional orthodontist appointments behind. Continue reading to learn why you should see an orthodontist rather than doing the online...

What is The Difference Between Traditional Orthodontics and Clear Aligners? May 21st, 2020

If you are entering the process of achieving a straighter or more uniform smile with the help of orthodontics, you are most likely faced with the choice of traditional braces versus clear aligners, such as Invisalign. Both options have their respective pro’s and con’s, and it is important to ensure...

Our Coronavirus Pandemic Action Plan Apr 28th, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic becomes more and more prominent in our everyday lives, it becomes more apparent that our everyday way of life needs to undergo some changes in order for us to successfully overcome the situation while remaining as healthy and happy as possible. But this does not mean...

Cracked Tooth Syndrome Mar 22nd, 2020

Continue reading for a thorough breakdown of cracked tooth syndrome, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. What Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome? Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS) may sound quite serious, but the reality is that it is simply a term used to recognize an incomplete fracture or site of trauma...

“All On Four” Implants And Fixed Bridges Mar 12th, 2020

While this may sound a little complicated, “all on four” prosthetic treatment options are a strong favorite as they are cost-effective, comfortable, simple and convenient for patients. Continue reading for more information about “all on four” implants and fixed bridges so that you can make a more informed decision about...

Gum Grafting Mar 4th, 2020

Gum grafting is usually recommended by a dentist or periodontist in the case that the natural gumline has receded and left the underlying tooth structure exposed. This leaves the tooth and bone susceptible to damage and decay. To correct this, your dentist or periodontist will recommend that a gum grafting...

Why Do I Need Bone Grafting With My Extraction Or Implant? Mar 3rd, 2020

Continue reading for more information about bone grafting and why it has been recommended for you following your extraction or implant procedure. Types of Bone Graft There are various different types of bone graft. The type of bone that is used is dependent on both the preference of your dentist...

Crown Lengthening Feb 19th, 2020

There are a few different reasons why a crown lengthening may be done; if you have been recommended for this dental procedure, you may be wondering why, and what you can expect both during and after your treatment. Continue reading for more information about the crown lengthening procedure. Aesthetic Purposes...

What Is A Root Canal? Jan 12th, 2020

While television and films have certainly done no good for the reputation of the root canal, modern dentistry has allowed the procedure to become simple and virtually painless. Continue reading for more information about the root canal procedure. Why Are Root Canals Needed? In order to understand why root canals...

Apicoectomy Treatment Explained Dec 23rd, 2019

If you have been informed that you will need an apicoectomy treatment carried out, you may be wondering what it is, exactly. Continue reading for more information to better understand your recommended dental treatment. Why Do I Need An Apicoectomy? Apicoectomy treatment is carried out in order to remove the...

Osseous Surgery: Why Do I Need It? Dec 13th, 2019

If your dentist has recommended you for osseous surgery, you may have been left with a few questions, such as what it is, what you can expect, and why you need it. While the word ‘surgery’ may be enough to furrow your brow, not to worry. This procedure is completely...

Why Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed? Nov 25th, 2019

If you have been told that you will need to have your wisdom teeth removed, you may be confused as to why, and you may even be a bit frightened. There are many factors that influence if and when an individual should have their wisdom teeth removed. Continue reading for...

Why Does My Child Need Phase 1 Orthodontics? Nov 11th, 2019

As parents, it is our duty to ensure that our little ones are receiving the care they need in order to grow up as healthy and happy as possible. Part of this is ensuring that they regularly attend their dental appointments as recommended to make sure that their teeth are...